The Moon in the Man
Fly to the moon where the secrets
See the sunbeam that
never glows
If on the way you see me,
Stop or go up or down
in or out or round about
Hum or growl, bark or croon
but always remember
the man in the Moon!
- personally autographed
by Sil Spaghetti
completed, erected and inaugurated
April 16, 1976
by bedside lampoon “waterpipe way”
Stuckhome, Swear-dom
Invitation V.I.P. | from a Toad to his Lover
over by the river where the water
flows thee,
sit here upon a toad and wait
upon me,
come to the fire master brew
some tea,
sit unders the cups
nurture husbandry ~
by Sil Spaghetti
Beware of SPIDERS
webs for one
and all; graciously
supplied; webs
to cover,
but never to hide!
by Sil Spaghetti
1776 – 1976, A Personal Tribute
“come all ye playboys
come out and see,
drop down your finances
come up to me!”
“I’m the great “Daddy War-bucks”
come back from sea!
with riches and premiums,
still warm from thievery!
come up ye abortioned
come up to me!”
“come all ye playboys
come out and see,
drop down your finances
come up to me!”
Sil Spaghetti
Anecdote: This a personal tribute to the greatest day
in the history of the AMERICAN FOUNDATION. A
tribute to the first general meeting of the CORPORATION
called the U.S.A.
OPE-PEA-UM or A Tale in 2 Parts
Part one; The Emotional Outbreak.
Lack of security;
Lack of slavish devotion,
Imaginings in motion!
Where does one pick up a notion?
Contemplated and fed with a
Fire of Emotion
Build up – Climax; brim over in
Declining tensions, reason resumes
Part Two: Emancipation;
Chastened duly in
Human relations.
In need, change of occupation
Open up in circulation
Let out bad, sad emanations;
Bathe in all that breathes creation
The Human Race as one elation!
Out of a hold that choked untold!!
Devised both cruel and bold
Life and Death, transient goals
A need to be secure arises.
A Life, some rhythmic pulsations,
Within, ways of security
are devised!
A Mental hold, a subjugation!
This particular – A two part Relation.
One must hold while the other is held
A Di-Polar paralyze-zation,
From this comes naught, but
Dank stagnation.
The just result of Deviation!
Security true
Needs will find,
From within the one
Can two combine!!
Within the light of
Ones own Creation,
Enjoy our Life, Enjoy relations!!
Sil Spaghetti
My New Flute
A new flute!
into the air with a new
sound, flying, singing
through airy spaces;
the deeper, darker
Ferns and Moss
wet growth and manifestations!
The Flute comes! a trilling
light and airy
all fears go weary –
“tootle-toot, teet teet,
piddle pip, peep pee-wee!!”
All light and bright gaiety!
A new Flute
A new Flute
To the Sun and Glen Fairies
I betroth my true love.
Sil Spaghetti